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Asset Migration

Transfer your current marketing assets simply into HubSpot from external marketing automation providers.

Asset Migration Overview

HubSpot Asset Migration is perfect for anyone wanting to transfer their existing marketing automation from an external provider to HubSpot. This gives you the foundations required for HubSpot to recreate your content or for you to do it yourself. This does not represent a design service - it’s designed for users with established assets.

The Basic asset migration service offers one hour of consultation with a senior HubSpot Migration expert, as well as setup of 1 advanced template and 1 email template.

The Premium asset migration service offers 4 hours of consultation with a senior HubSpot Migration expert, as well as up to 25 pages created with advanced theming. A footer & a header (with/without navigation) and extra modules required to reproduce your current assets’ structure are included in this service. If providing a blog URL, you’ll also get a post layout and a blog listing. If you don’t supply a blog URL, a predefined layout for your blog will be provided for the footer and the header. If your needs involve the management of multiple brands or more than a single email template, extra email template recreation services and template setups can be bought at an extra cost.

Basic asset migration includes:

1 Advanced template & 1 email template

1 Hour with a Migration Specialist

Premium asset migration includes:

1 Advanced template & 1 email template

4 Hours with a Migration Specialist

Up to 25 advanced theme pages created

Of course, we always strive to migrate your asset in line with originals, assets that have been migrated may not represent exact copies, possibly deviating in format or style. Certain asset types may have limitations and as such, we cannot be sure that all of those requested are migrated.

Timescale: 90 days

Date of last modification

Your migration expert will collaborate with you in determining frequently used modules on your current website in order to recreate them in the HubSpot platform. They will form part of the migration and be assessed by the specialist.

Should you have any extra themes or brands that need to be reproduced or more than a single email that needs to be recreated, you can buy extra services.

The following are a few examples of the features & content that cannot be supported by HubSpot:

  • Blog comments. After migration, you will use the HubSpot blog comments module.
  • Image menus, mega menus or those with non-linked content will be turned into simple ‘dropdown’ menus.
  • Flash with multiple files/embedded links, Flash navigation, Flash websites.
  • Live chat functions, apart from a few types of embedded Javascript services.
  • 3rd party bespoke social media sharing widgets (Facebook & Twitter feeds are allowed)
  • Log-in fields.
  • Banner notifications & pop-up forms.
  • 3rd party plugins, author plugins, bespoke social feeds, Facebook commenting & Disqus
  • Dynamic shopping carts. Also cart item count is not included, but the cart icon is.
Important Pricing Info
Price: Base $1,000.00, Premium $2,300.00
Delivery: Remote
Timescale: 1 to 2 weeks
Asset Migration

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